Friday, January 12, 2007


Rally at federal building 1/12

People there: about 300
Cops: eventually 5
Sign of the day: Give Bush a 3rd term (Picture of W in jail)

Went down to the Federal Building and we pretty much lined up along the street. This is the first time we had overflow to different areas of the street. Gerry says we had 300 there.

Anyhow someone who wore a television set as a mask showed up distributing DVDs. That was different. He gave the Fox news guy a hard time.

Speaking of that Fox news guy...he kept trying to talk to me. He wanted to do some sort of shame piece on me. Why? I'm just wearing a t-shirt I got online from some guy in Flagstaff. So what if its illegal in 2 states? I spent most of the time trying to avoid him.

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