Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Saturday's March

People marching: 600
Sign of the day: Geoge Bush Deserves a Fair Trial
Articles in newpapers: 0
Police cooperation: Yes
Permit: No
People "showing thier intelligence":0
Conter-protesters present: at the recruitment office, yes
Route: Speedway, 5th av. to Miltarty Recuitment offices
Pre-March Rally: Catalina Park

The rally was alike all others except for the lone dissenter who decide he wanted a riot at the rally. He got violent and I confronted him.

Much support from drivers by until we got to the recruitment center where we ecountered more sheep drving by with thier usual slogans. We even got a "Four more years!" yelled at us. Someone is looking foward to four more years of war it looks like...

As I stated in my last post, we did get accosted by a white pickup truck. The counter demostaters proably think this guy is a hero. Violence in thier hearts to anyone who disagrees with them.

Oh, no flags were burned.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


What the Truck???

Here I was, marching on the recriutment center, being peaceable when some guy in a white pickup truck has to try and kill my fellow marchers. He was honking his horn as he was going by us and he put on the gas as he turned it. Some of us were told by the police that we could have our pepole there and block off that small sidestreet. So the guy in the white pickup truck tried to run some of us over. We reported the license number to a cop that was watching us across the street. Hopefully this guy gets caught. Hmmm...who are the terrorists again?

Monday, September 19, 2005


Did we Comprimise Too Much?

Submited by:

Marvel Stalcup, State Committee Member - Yavapai County
Haskell Fishell, State Committee Member - Yavapai County

Whereas the United States government, in its preemptive attack and subsequent occupation of Iraq, a country which had neither attacked nor threatened the U.S.:

I. Violated internatjonal law, the United Natjons Charter, the UN Declaration of HumanRights, the Geneva Accords and the Nuremberg Princjples;

2. Caused the deaths of an estjmated 120,000 Iraqjs and more than 1,800 U.S. soldjersand the woundjng and disabling of tens of thousands of Iraqis and U.S. soldiers;

3. Misused over $300 bjllion of U.S. taxpayers money whjch should have been used forhealth care, affordable housing, environmental protect jon, etc. ).

4. The continuation ofthis war and the contjnued misallocation of funds will cause gravehann to the people of the United States..


I. Withdraw all U.S. troops and mjljtary bases from Iraq;

2. Cease all attempts by the U.S. government and corporations to control the economy, government and resources of Iraq;

3. Ensure that returning veterans receive adequate compensatjon, health care and education, disability, and rehabilitatjon benefits; and

4. Reduce the U.S. mjlitary budget and allocate that money to programs that provide health care, educatjon and environmental protection.

Whereas the AZ Democratic Party is supportive of our Men and Women in military service and supportive of their families;

And whereas the AZ State Democratic Party opposes the reasons previously stipulated by the Bush Administration for war in Iraq, the method of prosecution of the war and its failure to have an adequate exit plan from Iraq;

Be it resolved that the AZ Democratic Party call upon the Bush Administration and the US Congress to support the families of our service people, and to fully fund veterans and military benefits for our service personnel, and to remove our troops from Iraq in as responsible and expeditious a fashion as possible.


I know this is a month late but still...I think we comprimised too much just to get some anti-war resolution approved

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