Thursday, July 14, 2005


No More Deaths

Well, on Monday, I thought I was going to a protest. Instaed I ened up at a press confernce. Yes, it was for a good cause. People are dying to get into the US. Literally. Now, the Border Patrol wishes that humatarians let them all die as well by arresting two of them for getting them medical help.

[/sarcasm] Of course all Latinos are criminals. That's what my neighbors think. We love racial profling! We want everyone to die but us WASPs. Who cares if that kind of attiude will get us in trouble. "If its politically incorrect, it must be right!" We will love the blood on our hands in the afterlife. God will cleanse us all even if our hearts are hard. [/endsarcasm]

Anyhow, I was ready to protest. Intstead I waited outside a courtroom for about an hour before I got tired of it.

I saw Diane and Jeff there. Jeff had to resign from the 1st Vice Chair of the County party. Looks like Eck will proably get another yes-man. I hope not. The more I hang around these people, the more I figure that its not about making a impact. Ugh.

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